Rosa Loy
Rosa Loy (b. 1958), who was born in East Germany, and studied from 1985-1990 at the Hochschule für Grafik unk Buchkunst Leipzig and was a master student with Rolf Muezner. An active member of the New Leipzig School, the painter recently had her first solo show in America at the David Zwirner Gallery in 2007. Loy’s paintings, figurative and dreamlike, picture a simultaneously utopian and dystopian universe. While associated with the school, Loy’s handling of the paint and her brush could not be aligned with one particular style; her casts of female figures exist both in architectural and void like spaces.
Loy came to ULAE during the summer of 2007. Returning in the fall, Loy completed the stones and produced two small illusionary and painterly lithographs.